Sports Cards Plus is teaming with Ironclad Authentics to provide our customers the opportunity to have your items signed by Cal Ripken, J.R. and Joe Mauer at the lowest possible prices. Items must be in Sports Cards Plus possession no later than November 22, 2011. Call Charlie at 210-524-2337 for more information. Price list (your total cost for each item) including shipping and handling is as follows:
Cal Ripken 1 Item 3 Items 7 Items 10 Items 11+
Ball/Sflat $150 $139 $129 $119 call
Large flat $175 $164 $154 $144 call
Equipment $190 $175 $165 $155 call
Jersey/Bat $245 $229 $219 $209 call
Inscription $60 $55 $53 $51 $49
Joe Mauer
Ball/Sflat $130 $119 $109 $99 call
Large flat $165 $154 $144 $134 call
Equipment $180 $165 $155 $145 call
Jersey/Bat $200 $185 $175 $165 call
Inscription $40 $37 $36 $34 $33