Adam's steady hand picked the first box of National Treasures. See to witness the film account. Here is Adam with his 2012 National Treasures Robert Griffin III Auto Colossal Jersey Patch #d/50.

John and Maurice also came in and tried their hand at National Treasures. Maurice pulled a Ryan Tannehill Gold Auto Rookie Materials RC #d/49. John 's best pull was a Russell Wilson NFL Laundry Tag Autograph Material #d/10. Don't worry we still have six more cases of 2012 Panini National Treasures waiting for you full with Super Hits.
While others were busting National Treasures Football, Chris remained focused on his quest to pull every possible Super Hit from 2012-13 Panini Select Basketball. Here is Chis with his John Henson Black Patch Auto 1/1 RC, Kyrie Irving Patch Auto Prizm #d/99, and Lebron James Gold Prizm !

This is Benny's first visit to Sports Cards Plus. He read about us on this site and thought he'd give us a try. He opened a bonus pack from 2012 Bowman Sterling Football and pulled this Trent Richardson Autographed Jumbo Jersey Relic 5/5. Benny is a Super Hit Factory believer. Benny said he'd be back.
Today is your turn to pull a Super Hit at Sports Cards Plus. Come on in and have some fun.