The WINNERS of our $500.00 Drawing are Nate Clark $200, Josh Cain $100, Jim Davenport (JD) $100, and Anthony Gomez $100. Congrats to all our winners and thanks to The Greatest Customers in the World for participating in our drawing.
Next Drawing is November 30th. Get a FREE entry into our $500.00 Drawing every time you make a purchase at Sports Cards Plus. Your entry will match the amount of money you spend.
Anthony applied his $100 prize to buy a box of 2012 Totally Certified Football. It was no surprize that Anthony pulled this RED 2012 Totally Certified Andrew Luck Auto Jersey RC! Anthony is on a roll. What's next?
Sean is an avid collector of autographed reprint rookie cards. He does most of his buying on eBay. He doesn't like to bust many boxes because he says he doesn't like getting disappointed. However, the lure of The Super Hit Factory was too tempting. He couldn't find any singles he needed at Sports Cards Plus, so he decided to give ONE box of 2013 Topps Tier One at try.
Here is Sean with his 2013 Topps Tier One "On the Rise Autograph" Copper Rose Ink Parallel BRYCE HARPER Auto #d/25! And The Legend of The Super Hit Factory continues...................... Sports Cards Plus is OPEN MONDAY. Come on in and continue The Legend.
At Sports Cards Plus, you can pick your box from THE BEST CASES in The Hobby at our every day LOW, LOW, LOW Prices! 2012-13 National Treasures Basketball boxes are $719. 2013 Bowman Jumbo Baseball is $159. 2012 Exquisite Football is $549. These are just a few of our every day prices. Don't be the guy who says, "That could have been my picture." Come on in MONDAY and have some fun.