After 10 days on the open market, eBay sales indicates an average box of 2014 Flawless Football will result in $1204.50 in sales. As of today, Sunday November 9th at 12:15, a total of 1615 Flawless Football cards have sold. The breakout of the sales is as follows:
Under $41............ 530 cards (32.8%)
$41 to $74........... 364 cards (22.5%)
$75 to $99........... 168 cards (10.4%)
$100 to $199......... 316 cards (19.6%)
$200 to $299......... 95 cards ( 5.9%)
$300 to $2000....... 142 cards ( 8.8%)
The Average Sales Per 10 Card Box of $1204 assumes the sales on eBay are a representative sample of all 2014 Flawless Football boxes.
It is logical to assume that the population of cards that box busters keep rather than sell are skewed toward the more valuable cards or cards that are more valuable to the present owner than the average price of like cards sold on eBay. This assumption is further supported by the cards on eBay with high "Buy it Now" prices which have not yet sold. Click HERE.
It then follows, when these "High Value Buy it Now" cards are sold, they will add to the population of cards over $100. This result will then increase the "Average Sales per 10 Card Box" from the present $1204.50.

The pictures in this post are the first three boxes busted in our store.