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2012-13 Elite Signatures Bskt....................$89.95
2012-13 Panini Threads Bskt.....................$99.95
2012-13 Contenders Basketball...............$129.95
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2016 Topps Museum Baseball.................$229.95
2016 Topps Tribute Baseball....................$249.95
2015 Elite Extra Edition Baseball............$69.95
And at Sports Cards Plus, you always get more:
1. Your every purchase gets you a FREE Entry to our $500.00 Drawing on August 31st.
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3. Buy a box of 2012-13 Marquee Basketball ($59.95) or 2012-13 Past and Present Basketball ($44.95) and you could win $500.00 in prizes.
If you didn't make it in to Sports Cards Plus last week, here is what you missed:

Everyone is loving 2016 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions ($80.95 per box) with Three Unique Hits per box. The odds of pulling the above Homo Sapiens Card is 1 in 42,000 packs. The odds of pulling the Primates Card is 1 in 1850 packs. The odds of pulling the WWII Museum Booklet Relic is 1 in 1293 packs. And the odds of pulling the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Booklet?????? Only 10 made! Everyone knows at Sports Cards Plus you can forget the odds. Go to Sports Cards Plus TODAY and get your fair share of Super Hits.